Slaymaker Makes University Hall of Fame

Makiah Parris, Assistant Editor

After nearly 20 years, the 1996-2001 University of British Columbia Alumni soccer team has been inducted into the British Columbia hall of fame. This team was recognized for their hard work, dedication and acknowledged as a team of distinction. Over a five year period, the team won the majority of their games. SHS teacher Heidi Slaymaker was one of the players on this outstanding team.

“It’s definitely an honor to know that you did something. Just to be recognized in a sport that you’re passionate about I think is always honorable,” Slaymaker said.

The team worked hard for their fame, and their performance really showed it. The team and players earned their title through their undeniable skill. Over the five year period, the team won every provincial championship and a national championship in 1996. The only games they lost were held at the national championship finals. 

The team was notified three weeks before the ceremony took place. One of the players whose mom was the manager was contacted about the news, and from there they went down the line until they found someone they could reach, and the word spread from there. Around 13 of the players were there to receive the award.

“That weekend to me was all about friends you know, people I haven’t seen in 20 years and being able to rehash memories from when we were a lot younger, which was a lot of fun,” stated Slaymaker.

The induction reconnected the players and gave them all an opportunity to get together and catch up. Without the ceremony, the players might not have ever met up again, and it was really great for them to be able to see each other again after all these years. It was a fun time for everyone involved.

After all their hard work, the team will forever be remembered in Canadian soccer. Some places at the University of British Columbia show the sports teams that did well and why individuals were inducted.

Overall, this was a great experience for every part of the team. It showed them that the dedication and teamwork they showed while playing soccer paid off. 

Slaymaker said, “The coolest part of the trip was getting to reconnect with teammates and for me, deciding to take over the girls soccer team (at the highschool). It was just a good reminder of what’s important in team sport and that’s really those connections that you make with people.”