EQ versus IQ

Chloe Vallier, Staff Reporter

Everybody’s brain works differently, and that’s what makes us each unique. We operate along a continuum of something called emotional quotient (EQ) and intelligence quotient (IQ). What makes each of us different is the ratios we intuitively possess of each. Emotional quotient is a measurement of a person’s emotional intelligence, while intelligence quotient is a measurement of intellectual intelligence. Some people have extremely high EQ levels and have a gift for reading peoples’ emotions and thoughts. Others have high IQ levels and have a talent for academics. People land in different places on the scale depending on who they are. Neither is better than the other.

There are five types of emotional intelligence. People with the emotional intelligence of self-awareness are acutely conscious of their own behaviors. Those with self-management emotional intelligence have the ability to manage time, ideas and tasks. Social awareness intelligence refers to how skilled a person is at interacting with other people by reading their social cues. Relationship management refers to how well a person does at managing the relationships of the important people in their life. The last, but most certainly not the least of the emotional intelligences, is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand what other people are going through or as the old saying goes, “standing in somebody else’s shoes”. These all help guide people through situations with others. A person with high EQ might handle difficult conversations well and read a room like a book making  social interactions come easy. This, however, doesn’t mean all people with a high EQ are extraverts. Some people with extremely high levels of EQ can also have low levels of IQ. 

While there are five types of emotional intelligence, there are eight types of intelligence quotients: logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and naturalistic intelligence. A person can have any combination of these, all, or just one. Like EQ, extremely high levels of IQ can mean that a person has a lower EQ. People with lower EQs tend to have less ability to relate to people and have a hard time interacting with others. Sensing emotions and having empathy can be more difficult for them. 

I personally have more EQ than IQ, at a ratio of 60:40. I am a good leader, and generally I know how to handle social and emotional situations. I know how to confront people politely and I’m confident in what I say and do. Even though I have a lower IQ then EQ that doesn’t mean I’m dumb, but I do struggle in some subjects, I have to work a little harder then others to do well in school.

Nobody only has IQ, nor do people only have EQ. Everybody is different and we all fall on  different places on the EQ and IQ spectrums but most people are around the middle. They have both intelligence and emotional/social intelligence. Some people may struggle with knowing social cues and having empathy while others may struggle with utilizing academic skills. There’s a way to improve both your EQ and your IQ. Practice.