SHS has a new dedicated wrestling coach, football coach, and teacher, Ben Sanchez.
This year, Sanchez teaches Algebra II and Data Science. Before teaching, Sanchez went to the United States Merchant Marine Academy, and got an engineering degree in Marine Engineering. Then he worked in ship operations for 23 years. Sanchez moved to Salida in 2020, right when COVID started, but had been visiting since 2003. Moving to Salida forced Sanchez to switch things up.
“There are no ships here in Colorado, so I had to do something different,” Sanchez said.
He had also been thinking about teaching for a while, so moving to Salida was the perfect opportunity. Sanchez says that his inspiration was his dad. His father taught school for 35 years and was a coach for 45 years. As well as his teaching father, Sanchez also noted that he had a favorite high school math teacher who had a distinct impact on him. During this past summer, Sanchez taught math for summer school as well as physical science in Cheyenne Mountain. It was during his tenure at Cheyenne Mountain that Sanchez was interviewed and hired by Salida High School. Sanchez said that he loves the community here at SHS, and that the staff was very welcoming.
“It’s when you help when students realize success. Meaning they got better at something, or are understanding something. When they are getting the grade they are hoping to get or they didn’t think they would get. That is by far my favorite thing, is when you can see that growth that they enjoy,” he said.
So when Sanchez’s students are faced with challenges or they are struggling to find success, he advises them to realize that the success will come, it just hasn’t yet. He says that success takes time and sometimes you have to do things wrong a couple of times in order to get it right.
In the fall, people may have gone to see some home football games. Sanchez wasn’t intending on coaching football until a friend reached out to him. Sanchez mentioned that the season definitely was not easy, but he is very proud of his team and staff.
“It’s a lot of work, it’s a lot of extra time but it’s a reward to be called ‘coach’ because of the difference you can make in people’s lives.Whether it be just personal growth or an opportunity to get a scholarship to go to college. There’s ups and downs but to see the growth and the successes, it’s pretty cool to be a part of that,” he said.
Most recently, Sanchez was the Coach for the boys wrestling team. Sanchez has coached wrestling for 26 years, making him a very experienced coach. Salida brought three boys to state this season and placed 25th out of 49 teams. The wrestling program also got new recruits, so they grew in numbers this season. Sanchez explained that the team was really strong and had worked really hard this year. SHS appreciates the presence of a new dedicated coach and teacher.