Snowfest in Salida is an annual tradition, held at the Salida Steamplant, and hosted by Rok Skool–a program inspiring youth to collaborate and make music. This year the show took place on January 26th, and more than five bands made up of kids in the community performed at the event. Every single seat was sold out this year, and more than 250 people were in attendance.
This year was busy compared to previous years according to Trey Andres, eight time Snowfest Performer, drummer, bassist and vocalist for “Train Wreck,” the varsity band. “I think we had a lot more energy this year and it was a lot more fun for everyone.”
Several highschool students were performers, and even more attended the event. One student said “It was really well put together, and it was really fun to see my friends onstage.”
This year was Rok Skool’s 12th annual Snowfest, and it was inspiring to see so many students work hard to be prepared for the showcase. It was obvious to all in attendance that this year’s show had a lot of thought and care put into it, and that the guidance provided by Bones–the director of Rok Skool bands– and RokSkool led to students learning advanced musical skill and developing confidence and stage presence. While it was just young people performing, the event feels like a professional concert, and it’s an awesome way to get involved with the community here in Salida, as well as a way to get an introduction into the music industry.
If you are interested in Rok Skool or know someone who is, learn more about the program at rokskool.org