The Salida High School winter formal dance, or Winterfest, is an annual tradition. This year, the dance took place on February third. The SHS Student Council is responsible for planning the dance and all of the events before it, and this year they had some great ideas. In the week leading up to the event, we had a super fun and successful spirit week. Monday was pajama day, a comfortable and relaxing change to the dress code. Tuesday was “Iconic Duo Day” where students choose a partner and dress up like famous partners in crime. Wednesday was Frat and Sorority day and the school arrived in their best greek life attire. Finally the week ended on Student Teacher Swap Day, where the students dressed up like one of the staff, and vice versa. Seeing the teachers in hoodies, hats, and sneakers while the students wore collared shirts, vests, or even beards was entertaining and unique.
Winterfest royalty was also chosen during the week, and during Wednesday’s basketball halftime, King and Queen were announced. Eight nominees from the senior class were selected and students voted on their preferred King and Queen on paper ballots. Congratulations to Kaia Wright and Daniel Edgington!
The dance itself was at 9:00 pm on Saturday night. Students flooded the town, getting tables at almost every restaurant in town. Most dressed up in their formal wear, stuck flowers on their lapels or wrists, and showed up at the dance around nine. The dance continued for about two hours, and most students were gone by 11. In all, it was a chilly, fun, and unique Winterfest!