Over the years, Colorado Mountain College has offered a wide variety of classes for students to explore; though this year, CMC is now offering a Sociology of Gender class, being taught by CMC professor Amy Stanley. Stanley started teaching at CMC in the Spring semester of 2021.
This class has been offered on the greater CMC course catalog for a while, but it was never taught in Salida until now. Some of the topics that are analyzed and discussed in this class are major sociological trends and approaches to the study of gender and gender performance. It covers topics such as intersection of race, class, sexuality, and gender identity. And being able to understand large and small scale inequality and social movements in the US.
A lot of the topics that are discussed are pretty heavy and a lot to understand, so in the classroom it is very well known that the class is a safe space. Having patience and understanding other people’s opinions and viewpoints is key in this class. While learning, everyone is learning together as a team. In this class it’s important to try and remain as objective as possible, trying to understand topics discussed without preconceived biases.
Currently in Salida there are only 4 students attending this class. Stanley said that if you are interested in taking this class you should talk to your guidance counselor or Keri Vignale, CMC concurrent enrollment coordinator