Millions of people all over the world have pet cats. Cats are very intriguing animals and are loved by many. Cats are carnivorous and can be very skilled predators. Cats are born with a natural drive to hunt, stalk, prey, play and kill. Cats have such fascinating hunting instincts and they can even jump up to six times their length. Cats are mammals and can surprisingly live in all different varieties of climates and terrains.
Cats belong to the “Felidae” family, which has about 41 species. With that being said about the many varieties and species of cats, the world’s largest cat was forty eight point five inches long. Cats originated from the Near East, were domesticated and have been around for about 9,500 years. Cats were highly popular in the days of the Ancient Egyptians and were even worshiped by many during that time period. Cats were commonly seen as protectors and were held at a higher superiority than they are today. In Ancient Egypt cats were very respected and admired and it was a grave offense if someone were to have harmed one.
Similar to the Ancient Egyptian times and cat owners of today’s society, cats are very loved and favored. From people of the Ancient Egyptian times being mummified with their cats, to having things like cat cafes in today’s society. Cats are very intelligent animals and have a ninety percent similar brain to a human being. It has also been discovered that most cats have a better memory than dogs. Although cats can be very adventurous, predatorial and outgoing, cats typically spend about seventy percent of their lives sleeping.
While adult cats can be very fun and lovable pets, kittens are often favored by many. Kittens are extremely rambunctious and explorative and can definitely keep you on your toes. This spring in April, our feral outside cats had a litter of kittens in a heated cat house in my backyard. We kept a camera outside to keep a close eye on them and to help scare away possible predators to them such as magpies. We got to watch the kittens grow and play and got to bring them food and water several times a day.
Finally when they were weaned and were of appropriate age to take them from their mother, we took in three of the kittens. They were so rowdy and so much fun and ended up being the sweetest and sassiest kittens we’ve ever had. With watching these kittens grow I got to really see how cats respond to the conditions of the wild and how tough they can really be. Cats are fairly durable animals and are the perfect pet for anyone who wants a cuddly companion.