Here at SHS, our school is well known for having a variety of unique clubs every Thursday. The way that clubs are chosen tends to change every once in a while. However, as of right now, a Google form is sent out to all of the students during advisory.
Students look over a list of all of the clubs and decide which one that they think would be best fit for them. Students are then registered to stay in the club that they have chosen for a whole four weeks. After the four weeks are over, the process of browsing and choosing a new club or the same club begins all over again. Salida High School offers several options of clubs for students to choose from, and new clubs are being invented all the time.
Clubs are an amazing way for people to meet, connect, learn new things, try new things and clubs offer many opportunities to create unforgettable memories. Clubs are ways that students can escape for half an hour to have fun with their friends or even get some exercise.
One of the new clubs this year is called Just Dance, which is taught by Lynn Stagner. Dancing is a great way for students to meet new people, exercise in a more fun way, and have a break to let loose.
“My advisory was the inspiration for this club. When they finished their assignments they wanted to do just dance, so I decided it would be a good club,” Stagner said.
Another new and creative club is called Two’s Company. This club allows you to visit residents at Columbine Manner and get the chance to socialize and hear some incredible life stories. There’s also a new and interesting club that is called the True Crime and Conspiracies club. This club is very intriguing and gives students a chance to take a deeper look and learn how to investigate mysterious occurrences.
Teachers’ creative clubs allow all students to feel like they belong to a club and allow students to explore their passions. New clubs are the perfect way to stay involved with fellow classmates.