Our beautiful world is filled with thousands of people that have traveled to thousands of such incredible places. SHS’ very own office lady here at Salida High School, Jen Campbell has some very interesting details about her time spent living on a military base in Iceland. Campbell got to spend about six weeks living on the base and had a lot of fun exploring Iceland.
Campbell described Iceland as a very beautiful place with many scenic attractions. She said Iceland had a very cold climate with some very extreme temperatures and weather. During the summer, there are very few hours of nightfall, while in the winter there are very few hours of daylight. In the summer, there is only about three hours of nightfall, and there is only about three hours of daylight during the winters.
Campbell said that getting to experience the winter in Iceland was definitely the hardest part of her trip, although, of course, it was all a part of her interesting travel experience. This was because during the winter it was very dark most of the time and there was a lot of freezing temperatures, snow and ice. Although she struggled with the winter, she mentioned that it was really cool to be able to experience both of the seasons while only being there for six weeks. She said that she personally loved the summer more than the winter because in the summer it got to be pretty hot while in the winter it got very cold and freezing with intense winds.
“We were there for Christmas, and we didn’t have a tree, but they had one tree on the base and it had lights around it. One time the wind whipped so bad that the string of lights was just like hanging out in a straight line,” Campbell said.
Despite the freezing temperatures and extreme weather, there are still several outdoor activities that Icelandic people and tourists can enjoy participating in. Some of these activities include hiking, more specifically glacier hiking, snowmobiling, whale watching and even horseback riding. The people of Iceland have some very fascinating stories, beliefs and traditions about tourist attractions and the mythical creatures that go along with them.
In Iceland, Campbell visited the lava beds, which have these stacks of rocks that are used to have lava navigated through them. Although, Campbell added that some people would argue that they are actually trolls that did not make it back to their dens before the sun came up. She still has some lava rocks from her travels. With that being said, Icelandic people are very creative people and have so much amazingly detailed folklore. Many of the Icelandic people believe in mythical creatures such as creatures like trolls and fairies. Campbell also added that many people even enjoy fairie hunting, which can be a great Icelandic activity.
Another very intriguing tourist attraction Campbell went to was the Blue Lagoon. The Blue Lagoon just so happens to be a very unique and intriguing geothermal hot spring in Iceland. Campbell thought that the Blue Lagoon was a very fun and very beautiful place to see.
Campbell thinks that Iceland is such a beautiful and truly amazing place to visit, especially in the summertime, and she is so grateful that she got the opportunity to explore such an amazing place.