The definition of life is, ”The existence of an individual human being.” But that’s not what life is to me. Life is the potential opportunity to wake up and essentially live every day. Living is such an underrated privilege that I feel like nobody talks about enough. Some people get up everyday without appreciating that they have actually risen to experience another day of their life. I recently realized that I haven’t been living and that I have in fact just been existing.
To change that I have had to change my entire mindset on how I spend my time on this earth. Though I have no idea what I want to do with my life, I still know that I have to do what I actually want to do. No one should live their life in the shadows of what other people want.
As an example, fashion trends. You should wear whatever you want no matter what the fads are at the time. In my opinion you shouldn’t have to wear outfits that other people think are cool or trendy, but instead wear what makes you feel the best about yourself. I wear the most comfortable clothes I find that still fit what I think is fashionable. By doing what I want to do everyday, it makes me feel happier about myself. I don’t do what other people want me to do because I am my own person. Nobody really cares about what you do. Nobody cares about the makeup you wear and nobody cares about the trends you participate in. No one cares if you eat unhealthy food and no one cares if you want your ex back.
Life is the most unserious serious thing ever. If people judge you then they are just jealous that they can’t be you. And it’s with this mindset I have chosen to live my life because it’s the only thing I can really control in the whole world. So do what makes you happy. I romanticize the little things and it provides me a reason to be happy and fulfill the privilege of being a part of our world. I choose to celebrate little things and appreciate everything way more than I used to. This is how I live my life and how I have motivated myself to live my best life everyday.