Return of the Vending Machine

SHS student uses the vending machine.

Maddie Porter, Ads Manager

Helium balloons fondly welcome back the vending machines in the SHS commons. After going a year with no use it is finally back in action, better than ever. Students and staff can buy water, reusable water bottles, masks, and an assortment of other snacks and beverages. Mr. Kapushion’s second semester marketing class is in charge of keeping the machine stocked and in working order. There is a schedule posted on the wall of Kapushion’s classroom displaying who is responsible for upkeep and when.

As a class, the marketing students brainstorm potential products for the vending machine and send out a poll to the entire school before purchasing the most popular items. When it first reopened the reactions were somewhat negative, with students displeased at the lack of variety and excitement in snacks. Now, though, the marketing class has a better understanding of student wants and have successfully created a vending machine full of tasty and nutritious snacks.

Sophomore Daisha Thompson and Junior Izzy Fisher were in charge the week of March first. Both of them have an interest in business in marketing, and were thus excited about an interactive project within the class.

“Figuring out what the students want is a good way to apply what we learned in class to a real life situation,” Thompson said. She is grateful for the hands on experience, and thinks it is the most beneficial way to truly learn something.

“Getting to know your target market, how much to price things for is applying your knowledge to real life,” Fisher said. As an avid marketing student she is excited about putting her knowledge to use in the school community.